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Citations Report
International Journal of Bioassays : Citations & Metrics Report
Articles published in International Journal of Bioassays have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world.
International Journal of Bioassays has got h-index 23, which means every article in International Journal of Bioassays has got 23 average citations.
Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in International Journal of Bioassays.
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Journal h-index since 2019
Shinde MR, Dongare SK, Khyade VB. Qualitative Silk Cocoons in Silkworm, Bombyx Mori (L) Through the Topical Application of Acetone Macerative of Powder of Ganoderma Fruiting Body And Acetone Solution of It’s Triterpenoid (Lucidone–D).
Khyade VB, Kandel ER. Influence of Aqueous Solution of Eurhodin Treated Mulberry Leaves on the Quality of Cocoons and Silk Filament in Silkworm, Bombyx mori (L) Races: Bivoltine Crossbreed [(CSR6 x CSR26) x (CSR2 x CSR27)] and multivoltine crossbreed [(PM x CSR2)]. International Journal of Research in Science and Engineering. 2018;6(4):22-37.
Khyade VB, Swaminathan MS. Water: The Pacemaker for Life of Earth. World Scientific News. 2016;44(2016):93-125.
Khyade VB, Pawar SR, Borowski J. Physical, nutritional and biochemical status of vermiwash produced by two earthworm species Lampito mauritii (L) and Eudrillus eugeniae (L). World Scientific News. 2016(42):228-55.
Khyade VB, Gaikawad DR. Insect Juvenile Hormone. World Scientific News. 2016;44(2016):216-39.
Khyade VB. The Pattern of Chitin Deposition in the Integument of Fifth Instar Larvae of Silkworm for Topical Application of Acetone Solution of Triterpene Compounds. Educational Studies. 2018;5(1):1-31.
Dar AH, Kumar S, Singh DV, Sodhi M, Sharma RK, Ghosh AK, Singh B, Rahman JU. Seasonal variation in blood biochemical characteristics of Badri cattle. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2019;8(9):147-50.
Giri A, Kumar Bharti V, Kalia S, Raj T, Chaurasia O. Evaluation of antioxidant status in serum and milk of Jersey cross-bred in different seasons reared under high-altitude stress condition. Biological Rhythm Research. 2019 Sep 3;50(5):726-38.
Giri A, Bharti VK, Kalia S, Kumar K, Raj T, Kumar B. Utility of multivariate statistical analysis to identify factors contributing groundwater quality in high altitude region of Leh-Ladakh, India. Asian Journal of Water, Environment and Pollution. 2017 Jan 1;14(4):61-75.
Habibu B, Dzenda T, Ayo JO, Yaqub LS, Kawu MU. Haematological changes and plasma fluid dynamics in livestock during thermal stress, and response to mitigative measures. Livestock science. 2018 Aug 1;214:189-201.
Alekseev VR, Levinskikh MA, Novikova ND, Sychev VN. Studying Dormancy in Space Conditions. InDormancy in Aquatic Organisms. Theory, Human Use and Modeling 2019 (pp. 97-119). Springer, Cham.
Aremu OI, Ekere KE, Isimi YC, Nwaogu VC, Agbaje OG, Olayemi OJ, Adedokun MO, Emeje MO. Formulation and evaluation of Neem (Azadirachta indica A. Juss) seed oil suppositories. Journal of Reports in Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2019 May 1;8(2):245.
Letsholo B, Utlwang R, Segwagwe AT, Khonga EB, Khare KB, Wale KR, Loeto D. Analysis of genetic diversity of Cercospora beticola isolates from Swiss chard in Southern Botswana.
Letsholo B, Utlwang R, Segwagwe AT, Khonga EB, Khare KB, Wale KR, Loeto D. Analysis of genetic diversity of Cercospora beticola isolates from Swiss chard in Southern Botswana.
Romero-Reverón R, Arráez-Aybar LA. Sutural bones: a literature review. Anatomy: International Journal of Experimental & Clinical Anatomy. 2019 Apr 1;13(1).
Romero-Reverón R, Arráez-Aybar LA. Sutural bones: a literature review.
Romero-Reverón R, Arráez-Aybar LA. Sutural bones: a literature review. Anatomy. 2019 Apr 1;13(1):61-5.
Azam A, Raza MA, Sumrra SH. Therapeutic Application of Zinc and Vanadium Complexes against Diabetes Mellitus a Coronary Disease: A review. Open Chemistry. 2018 Jan 1;16(1):1153-65.
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