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International Journal of Bioassays : Citations & Metrics Report

Articles published in International Journal of Bioassays have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. International Journal of Bioassays has got h-index 23, which means every article in International Journal of Bioassays has got 23 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in International Journal of Bioassays.

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Citations received as per Google Scholar, other indexing platforms and portals

561 570 551 482 391
Journal total citations count 4512
Journal 5 years impact factor 32.71
Journal cite score 26.38
Journal h-index 23
Journal h-index since 2019 18

Kumar P, Giri A, Bharti VK, Kumar K, Chaurasia OP. Evaluation of various biochemical stress markers and morphological traits in different goat breeds at high-altitude environment. Biological Rhythm Research. 2019 Apr 27:1-2.

Kalia S, Malairaman U. Studies on the Effect of Probiotic and Phytogenic Feed Additives on Health and Growth Performance of Broiler Chickens at High Altitude.

Singh M, Lathwal SS, Kotresh PC, Choudhary S, Barman D, Keshri A, Kumar R. Health status of Hariana cattle (Bos indicus) in different seasons in its breeding tract of Haryana, India. Biological Rhythm Research. 2019 Aug 29:1-2.

Kalyani P, Aswani KK, Haritha Y, Srinivas B, Kanaka DA. Comparative blood haemato-biochemical variations in Indian Zebu cattle breeds during early summer. Biological Rhythm Research. 2018 Nov 2;49(6):811-8.

Dar AH, Kumar S, Singh DV, Sodhi M, Sharma RK, Ghosh AK, Singh B, Rahman JU. Seasonal variation in blood biochemical characteristics of Badri cattle. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2019;8(9):147-50.

Giri A, Kumar Bharti V, Kalia S, Raj T, Chaurasia O. Evaluation of antioxidant status in serum and milk of Jersey cross-bred in different seasons reared under high-altitude stress condition. Biological Rhythm Research. 2019 Sep 3;50(5):726-38.

Giri A, Bharti VK, Kalia S, Kumar K, Raj T, Kumar B. Utility of multivariate statistical analysis to identify factors contributing groundwater quality in high altitude region of Leh-Ladakh, India. Asian Journal of Water, Environment and Pollution. 2017 Jan 1;14(4):61-75.

Habibu B, Dzenda T, Ayo JO, Yaqub LS, Kawu MU. Haematological changes and plasma fluid dynamics in livestock during thermal stress, and response to mitigative measures. Livestock science. 2018 Aug 1;214:189-201.

Vivek P, Bharti VK, Kumar D, Kumar R, Nehra K, Singh D, Chaurasia OP, Kumar B. Effects of different load on physiological, hematological, biochemical, cytokines indices of Zanskar ponies at high altitude. BioRxiv. 2018 Jan 1:262253.

Ladhar-Chaabouni R, Houel T, Lebel JM, Hamza-Chaffai A, Serpentini A. Effects of fluoride on primary cultured haemocytes from the marine gastropod Haliotis tuberculata. Invertebrate Survival Journal. 2019 Jan 3:1-7.

Bharti VK, Giri A, Rinchen T, Singh RK, Chaurasia O, Kumar B. Potential Fodder Plants of Cold Arid High Altitude Region for Livestock Feeding in Health and Production: A Review.

Mousa AM, Ramasamy SK, Ramasamy C. Effects of Thymoquinone on Tramadol Induced Toxicity in Epididymis of Adult Male Rabbits (Histological & Immunohistochemical Study). International Journal of Clinical and Developmental Anatomy. 2019 Apr 2;5(1):1.

Zuo H, Chen L, Kong M, Yang Y, Lü P, Qiu L, Wang Q, Ma S, Chen K. The toxic effect of sodium fluoride on Spodoptera frugiperda 9 cells and differential protein analysis following NaF treatment of cells. Environmental pollution. 2018 May 1;236:313-23.

Bharti VK, Giri A, Kumar K. Fluoride Sources, Toxicity and Its Amelioration: A Review. Peertechz J Environ Sci Toxicol. 2017;2(1):021-32.

Prathap B. Stability Indicating Reversed-phase High-Performance Liquid Chromatography Method Development and Validation for Simultaneous Estimation of Bismuth Subcitrate, Tetracycline, and Metronidazole in Bulk and Capsule Dosage Form. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutics (AJP): Free full text articles from Asian J Pharm. 2019 Feb 4;12(04).

Panigrahi GK, Sahoo A, Panda S. A complex network of molecular events triggered upon environmental cues which decide the fate of gene expression: a review. International Journal of Bioassays.;2278:778X.

Panigrahi GK, Sahoo A, Panda S. A complex network of molecular events triggered upon environmental cues which decide the fate of gene expression: a review. International Journal of Bioassays.;2278:778X.

Kumari S, Prabha C, Singh A, Kumari S, Kiran S. Optimization of Indole-3-Acetic Acid Production by Diazotrophic B. subtilis DR2 (KP455653), Isolated from Rhizosphere of Eragrostis cynosuroides.

Khyade VB, Mullis KB. Polymerase Chain Reaction for Detection of Grasserie Virus, BmNPV in the Fifth Instar Larvae of Silkworm, Bombyx mori (L)(Race: PM x CSR2).

Saad MS, Helaly WM, El-Sheikh ES. Biological and physiological effects of pyriproxyfen insecticide and amino acid glycine on silkworm, Bombyx mori L. Bulletin of the National Research Centre. 2019 Dec 1;43(1):145.

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