international journal of bioassays.
All submissions of the EM system will be redirected to Online Manuscript Submission System. Authors are requested to submit articles directly to Online Manuscript Submission System of respective journal.


Online Submissions

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Author Guidelines

Article/Manuscripts should be written in English, should be clear and grammatically correct. Articles should divided into following sections presented in the following order:

     Materials and Methods

Article Submission (Requirements): 

    Full length manuscript in MS Word file including Tables and Figures

    Corresponding Author/s Name and Affiliation with Contact/Mobile Number
    Recent photograph of corresponding author

    Duly filled and Signed Copyright form

Submit ARTICLE/S directly to Editor In-Chief at: or 

Submit through Online Manuscript Submission System


[Journal manuscript submission site. To Log In, enter your User ID and Password into the boxes, then click "Log In." If you are unsure about whether or not you have an account, or have forgotten your password, enter your e-mail address into the "Password Help" section below. If you do not have an account, click on the "Create Account" link]. 

NOTE: Authors are requested to send their articles prepared according to the guidelines to the authors. 


Manuscript Basics: Enter the number of authors, article type, title, key words, abstract, covering letter, submission agreement, and recent photograph of corresponding author/Main author.

Author (s) List: enter the name, institution, and a unique and valid e-mail address for each author in the order they appear on the manuscript.

Manuscript File(s): a single Word or RTF file with tables and figures is the preferred format. If figures are not included in the Word or RTF file, they should be submitted as .JPEG, .TIFF, PowerPoint, and should be clearly labeled.


Presentation of Manuscript


The Title page should contain the Title of manuscript, name(s) of the author(s), name(s) and address (es) of the institution(s) where the work was carried out, including a valid e-mail address for each author listed in the manuscript. For corresponding author please include recent photograph, telephone and fax. 



The Title of the manuscript should be specific, concise and as informative as possible. Words in the Title and in the Abstract are used for electronic search engines, such as Google, Yahoo, Pub Med, to find articles.

Please ensure that your title contains the main key words that most accurately describe the contents of the manuscript.



The Abstract should summarize concisely in no more than 250 words, the rationale, main findings, main conclusions, and wider implications of the study. It should contain no discursive matter or references. 

Key Words: Authors should suggest no less than Five Key Words for their article in alphabetical order.



The complete scientific name (genus, species, and authority, and cultivar where appropriate) must be cited for every organism at the first mention. 



If equations require more than one level of subscript or superscript, please use either ‘Microsoft Equation Editor’ or ‘Math Type’. If anything else is used, the equation has to be re-typed which makes it vulnerable to errors. Back to Contents



Tables should be in continuation with text, and should be numbered with a concise and descriptive legend at the head. They should be cited in the text in a sequential order. 



Each figure should be included along with text where appropriate and clearly labeled using Arabic numbers. Citation in the text should take the form Figure 1A etc., and should be referred to in the text in sequential order. Label figures that have more than one panel in capital letters A, B, etc. 



MLA styled reference format. The accuracy of the references and citation information is the responsibility of the authors. References should be referred to by number. Nothing should be italicized.

Citation of other URL addresses (unless in reference to an e-journal) may be made in the text but should not be included in the reference list.


For manuscripts reporting studies involving human subjects, statements identifying the committee approving the studies and confirming that informed consent was obtained from all subjects must appear in the Materials and Methods section. All experiments on live vertebrates or higher invertebrates must be performed in accordance with relevant institutional and national guidelines and regulations. In the manuscript, a statement identifying the committee approving the experiments and confirming that all experiments conform to the relevant regulatory standards must be included in the Materials and Methods section.



*Note: The publisher and journal have a policy of “Zero Tolerance on the Plagiarism”. 

Author(s) are fully responsible, if the submitted manuscript contains any such type fabrication, fraud, or plagiarism. If any objections or complaints regarding the submitted article, Editor In-Chief has the right to modify or delete whole or part of the written/published content before/after publication. 


Manuscripts submitted to the journal are initially reviewed by Editor In-Chief, and determines whether the manuscript meets the requirements of the journal and is worth sending out for thorough review. After the review, upon acceptance the necessary changes and comments on the manuscript will be sent to the author along with galley proof. Confirmation about the acceptance of the manuscript will be sent to e-mail address of the corresponding author. 


As per journal policies manuscripts submitted to the journal have not been published and will not be simultaneously submitted or published elsewhere. Plagiarism is strictly forbidden, and by submitting the article for publication all the authors agree that the Editor In-Chief have the legal right to take appropriate action against the authors, if plagiarism or fabricated information is discovered. 


Final Galley proofs sent to the corresponding author through email. It is the responsibility of the corresponding author to ensure that the galley proofs are returned within 5 days of receipt. If require any corrections in article, if yes, and then use the correction format, which is attached. If there are no corrections then give us permission [by sending a reply mail as NO correction] to upload it on website.



International Journal of BioAssays, a self-supporting organization and does not receive funding from any institution/government. Hence, the operation of the Journal is solely financed by the handling fees received from authors. 

The publication fees is required to meet operations expenses such as employees, salaries, internet services, electricity etc. Being an Open Access Journal, IJBio does not receive payment for subscription as the journals are freely accessible over the internet. It costs money to produce a peer-reviewed, edited, and formatted article that is ready for online publication and printable version for print publication, and to host it on a server that is freely accessible without barriers around the clock. .

Only on acceptance of the manuscript after peer review, authors will require to pay processing, evaluation, editor's peer reviewing fee, for which a mail regarding payment details and mode of payment.

Manuscript Type Article Processing Charges
Research, Review and Other Articles 519



Int.J.Bioassays prioritize the importance of integrity and fulfillment of the scholarly record. The historic record of published research articles shall remain available and unaltered as far as possible. However, circumstances may arise where a paper got published based on misconduct or honest error. Editors certainly guide the review process with much care, but it remains notoriously difficult to detect all occurrences of misconduct or error. For this reason it may become necessary to correct the scholarly record. The decision to alter the record should not be taken lightly. Action taken depends on the individual case and can take the form of

  • Expression of Concern
  • Correction (Erratum or Corrigendum)
  • Retraction
  • Removal

The purpose of the action is to correct the literature and to alert readers. It is not intended to punish the author(s).

The responsibility of guiding an investigation of misconduct or honest error is with the editor of the journal concerned. Authors and reviewers will take part in the investigation. The editor will decide on the form to best correct the scholarly record. Guiding principles are COPE's Retraction Guidelines and other accepted scholarly principles.

Minor errors that do not affect the integrity of the metadata or a reader's ability to understand an article and that do not involve a scientific error or omission are corrected such that the original article is replaced with the corrected version. If requested action originates from an author, final action will be according to decision made by Editors and Editorial Panel Members.



The Publisher and Editors cannot be held responsible for any type of error OR any consequences arising from the use of information in this web site of journal, the view and opinion expressed by the authors do not necessarily reflect those of the Publisher/Association and Editors, neither does the publication of advertisements constitute any endorsement by the Publisher/ Association and Editors of the products advertised. The authors are responsible for the contents appeared in their published manuscripts.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. The submission has Not been Previously Published, nor it is submitted to another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  2. The submission file is in Microsoft Word including Tables, Figures arranged appropriately.
  3. The text adheres to the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.

International Journal of Bioassays is a member of the Publishers International Linking Association, Inc. (PILA), CROSSREF and CROSSMARK (USA). Digital Object Identifier (DOI) will be assigned to all its published content.

International Journal of Bioassays [ISSN: International Journal of Bioassays] is licensed under
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