Zooplankton diversity of Garga reservoir of Bokaro, Jharkhand, India
Author(s): Farhat Saba, D. N. Sadhu
The present study is on “Zooplankton diversity of Garga Reservoir of Bokaro District (Jharkhand)”. The study was carried on from July’2012 to June’2013 at four selected sampling stations. Monthly variations and biodiversity indices of zooplanktons were observed. It revealed 11 different species of zooplanktons belonging to 4 different classes namely 3 rotifers, 4 cladocerans, 3 copepods and 1 ostracod. Among rotifers, Brachionus falacatus is abundant. Ceriodaphnia cornuta is predominant among cladocerans. Among copepods, numerical superiority was found in case of Nauplius. Ostracoda was represented by only one genus i.e. Stenocypris. Maximum percentage of Cladocera (34.89%) and minimum percentage of Ostracoda (6.77%) were observed. Margalef’s index (R1) and Menhinick index (R2) values (1.038 and 1.061) were found to be highest in April, 2013 and October, 2012 respectively. Lowest values (0.558 and 0.577) were found in July, 2012 and February, 2013. The Simpson’s index (n) varied from 0.222 in April’13 to 0.667 in July’12. The Shannon index (H’) was found to be in the range of 0.451 in July’12 to 1.355 in April’13
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