Using conventional methods to determine the level of toilet seat contamination by Trichomonas vaginalis in the university of Eastern Africa, Baraton, Kenya. | Abstract
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Using conventional methods to determine the level of toilet seat contamination by Trichomonas vaginalis in the university of Eastern Africa, Baraton, Kenya.

Author(s): Willy K. Kemboi, JackieGrear Grear, Ramesh F.*


This study pursued to investigate the possibility of transmission of sexually transmitted disease-Trichomoniasis, via a toilet seat. The disease is caused by a single cell protozoan Trichomonas vaginalis. For quite some time, acquisition of Trichomoniasis is believed to be through sexual intercourse and little evidence is via sharing the bathroom tools. A number of investigations have been done and published on the possible relationship that infection with Trichomoniasis escalates the infected susceptibility to HIV/AIDS. In this study, women toilets seats were examined in University of Eastern Africa, Baraton using; wet mount and Gram stain method. The data collected and examined showed that there is statistically significant evidence that trophozoites deposited by infected women on the toilet seats in University of Eastern Africa, Baraton, can cause an infection to health users (P <0.05).

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