Urinary tract infections in male children: a prospective observational study | Abstract
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Urinary tract infections in male children: a prospective observational study

Author(s): Sarada G., Rafiq Ahmed K., Sudhakar G.*, Dr. Srilatha


A total of 96 male children with Urinary Tract Infections (UTI) were included in the study to identify the risk factors predisposing to UTI in male children .78.83% were in <1 yr age and 20.3% were in 1 to 5 yr of age. Dysuria, fever and frequency are the most common symptoms (33%). Culture positivity was only in 35 children (36.36%). E.coli was the most common organism isolated (80%). Urinary tract abnormalities were found in 34/96 (33%). Phimosis was the most common urinary anomaly noted (47.06%). PUJ obstruction with hydro-nephrosis was seen in 39.29% followed by VUR in 11.76% and renal calculi in 5.88%.

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