TSH as marker in the diagnosis of sub clinical thyroid disorders | Abstract
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TSH as marker in the diagnosis of sub clinical thyroid disorders

Author(s): Narasimharao B.*, Sivanageswararao Mekala, Venkatarao Vulli, Umaramani Ganta


Disorders of the thyroid gland are among the most frequent endocrine conditions that clinicians estimate and treat. Such as hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism which affects mostly adults in India. Mildly elevated or decreased serum thyroid stimulating hormone [TSH] or thyrotropin levels are the most common abnormalities related to thyroid function. The present study undergone to determine the relationship between serum T3, T4 and TSH levels from the samples both in sub clinical hypothyroidism and sub clinical hyperthyroidism patients with normal healthy controls under the age group level between 20-65 years. By using Elisa method, the parameters T3, T4 & TSH have been extensively studied on individuals of each disorder and healthy controls. Among these, TSH is a valuable predictive marker for the subclinical hypothyroid and subclinical hyper thyroid disorders.

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