Toxicity of chlorpyrifos on protease and glutamate dehydrogenase enzyme activities in albino rats | Abstract
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Toxicity of chlorpyrifos on protease and glutamate dehydrogenase enzyme activities in albino rats

Author(s): Savithri Y*, Sekhar P, Narasimha Rao C, Srineetha U


Present study was aimed to elucidate the pesticide toxicity in rats involves induced abnormalities of the intracellular protein catabolic process by the effect of one of the commonly used organophosphate compound chlorpyrifos on the activities of representative protein catabolising proteases and Glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) is a one of the regulatory enzyme known to check the deamination process to minimize the ammonia level and plays a significant role in the catabolism of amino acids. The sub lethal stress of chlorpyrifos on important metabolites and enzymes of protein metabolism was investigated in most important tissues like liver, kidney, heart and intestine of albino rats. Sub lethal concentration (1/10th LD50 i.e., 20mg/kg body weight) of chlorpyrifos (Organophosphate) on the enzyme parameters of albino rats were analysed after single, double and multiple dose of exposure. The increased protease activities in the different tissues of rat indicate the damage caused due to impairment of energy supply and proteases activity indicates higher protein degradation. Therefore, the proteins are denatured leading to more activation of proteases. The elevated GDH activity levels indicate its contribution to ammonia production and glutamate oxidation during chlorpyrifos toxicity.

image 10.21746/ijbio.2016.02.0012

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