The developmental variation of the protein profile of the pollen of Datura inoxia: A comparative study | Abstract
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The developmental variation of the protein profile of the pollen of Datura inoxia: A comparative study

Author(s): Barnali Bera, Sanjukta Mondal (Parui), Amal Kumar Mondal*


Datura inoxia Mill., a less known species is generally confused with its other related species Datura metel, the pollen of which has been proved to be allergenic. But D. inoxia has been found to grow luxuriously in several places of West Bengal. There are still no reports on the allergenicity of the pollen of this plant. The present paper reports the protein profile of the pollen of D. inoxia at different stages of maturity. The pollen was collected both before and after anthesis and the change in protein profile and concentration studied for both immature (before anthesis) and mature (after anthesis) stages, as well as in different seasons. A slight decrease in protein concentration was observed in case of mature pollen. The SDS-PAGE protein profile showed a total of 14 protein bands designated as D1 to D14, between the molecular weight range of 22 kDa to 205 kDa. There was also a variation in the protein profile between immature and mature pollen with the number of protein bands being more in case of immature pollen.

image 10.21746/ijbio.2016.06.008

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