Synergistic effect between phosphate solubilizing bacteria and vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on growth and p uptake in Cajanus cajana L. (Pigeon pea) | Abstract
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Synergistic effect between phosphate solubilizing bacteria and vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on growth and p uptake in Cajanus cajana L. (Pigeon pea)

Author(s): Sharanappa Jangandi, Chaitra B. Negalur*, Mr. Narayan, H. C. Lakshman


The influence of phosphate solubilizing bacterium (Bacillus polymyxa) and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (Rhizophagus fasciculatus) on growth and phosphorus uptake in Cajanus cajana were studied, in green house conditions. Experiments were carried out by using both sterilized and unsterilized garden soil (sandy loam). Mycorrhiza with P-solubilizing bacteria inoculated with sterilized soil produced significantly higher growth, dry matter and increase in nodule number and P uptake in shoot. Moderate or lower growth response was observed among the plants grown in unsterilized soil either PSB or AMF inoculation. On the contrary non-inoculated plants in sterilized garden soil did not showed meager growth and higher total P uptake. A synergistic effect was recorded with increased plant dry matter, nodule number and P uptake in the plants treated with both the inoculum and in sterilized soil.

image 10.21746/ijbio.2017.01.005

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