Supraadditive effect of hydroethanolic extract of Valeriana wallichii (Indian valerian) root and phenobarbitone against maximal electroshock seizure in mice. | Abstract
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Supraadditive effect of hydroethanolic extract of Valeriana wallichii (Indian valerian) root and phenobarbitone against maximal electroshock seizure in mice.

Author(s): Lovelyn Joseph*, Rejeesh E. P., Rao Sudarshanram Narayan


There was a drastic increase in use of herbal preparations in recent years which raise concerns about their toxic and interactive propensity with concomitant diseases and other drugs consumed. Valerian is one of the most widely used herbal medicines in the world. This study analyzed the interaction of Valeriana wallichii (Indian valerian) and Phenobarbitone on anticonvulsant activity using maximal electroshock seizures (MES) in Swiss albino mice. Valeriana wallichii hydroethanolic extract reduced the duration of HLTE with a dose dependant increase in potency at 450 and 900 mg/kg given as intra-peritonial injections. Combination analysis show synergistic interaction between VwHE extract and Phenobarbitone at 50:50, and 25:75 (Vw: PBT) dose ratios, and antagonistic interaction at 75:25 (Vw: PBT) dose ratio in anticonvulsant activity, as indicated by the reduction in duration of HLTE phase of Maximal electroshock seizure model in mice. Phytochemical profile of Valeriana wallichii suggests many active constituents with more than one possible mechanism of action. The interaction could be pharmacokinetic or pharmacodynamic. Large scale studies at various dose ratios and with more parameters including the adverse effect profile of the combination at preclinical and clinical level are required to explore potential therapeutic applications of the combination.

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