Study of waders diversity from wetlands of Lucknow district, Uttar Pradesh, India. | Abstract
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Study of waders diversity from wetlands of Lucknow district, Uttar Pradesh, India.

Author(s): Adesh Kumar, Amita Kanaujia


This is sad that aspiring ornithologist have short of interest in waders because these are exasperating and small dull colored birds. Waders are limply used terms to describe a group of small to medium sized birds, gregarious in nature, and living at the edge of the water, i.e. waders usually occupy the interphase zones of a water body. Waders are the most important group of wetland birds that are vital for the smooth functioning of these ecosystems. Wetlands in Lucknow are supporting services for bird fauna in order to maintain biological and genetic diversity. Waders are the birds ecologically dependent on wetlands. The study presents diversity of waders in Lucknow and adjacent areas where surveys have been conducted for two years (October 2013- September 2015) in different unprotected wetlands of Lucknow having N 26.84700 and E 80.94700 geographical coordinates. Total 35 Species of waders representing 3 orders and 9 families were recorded from five different localities. Out of these 35 species, family Ardeidae has maximum 12 species followed by Ciconiidae having 5 species, Charadriidae and Rallidae having 4 species each, Jacanidae having 2 species, Threskiornithidae, Recurvirostridae and Gruidae having 1 species each respectively. The effort of this baseline study is to make available the information about biodiversity of waders to recognize these sites as IBA habitat for the conservation of waders and water bird population because baseline information is a proviso for setting up and monitoring executive actions for these birds and their habitats.

image 10.21746/ijbio.2016.09.0016

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