Study of vascular segments of liver in dissected cadaveric liver specimen.. | Abstract
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Study of vascular segments of liver in dissected cadaveric liver specimen..

Author(s): Anju Balaji More


Liver surgeries are common in western world. The details are available both by imaging techniques as well as liver surgeries. The transplantation and resection of liver are in their initial stages in India. So, such data is not available in Indian population. Individual variations in morphology of vessels exist. Knowledge of vessels will define the segments of liver. It helps to plan the plane of resection for surgeries helping in conservation of normal tissue. Palliative embolisation of portal vein feeding the affected segment may provide some relief to the patient. Study of pattern of hepatic vessels by dissection tells about different arrangements and range of dimensions of these vessels to define segments and their respectability prior to surgery. During surgery if cranial hepatic vein is small, it warn us of the larger caudal vein, which warrants extra precautions during surgery. The diameter of inferior vena cava, hepatic veins and their common trunk decide the course of surgery during transplantation2. The study was planned to study the vascular segments of the liver specimen without any liver pathology obtained by cadaveric dissection. Study includes morphologic and biometric study of its major vessels.

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