Study of sectoral variation of some commercially important fish groups in relation to environmental variables of chilika lake, east coast of India. | Abstract
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Study of sectoral variation of some commercially important fish groups in relation to environmental variables of chilika lake, east coast of India.

Author(s): Saibala Parida*, K. S. Bhatta, Guru B. C.


The present study was carried out for a period of one year from March 2008- February 2009 in order to understand the role of environmental parameters like salinity, pH and water temperature up on different fish groups. Chilika lake appeared as the major factor for distribution of fishes in the lake premises. Mullets did not show any kind of relation with salinity suggested their euryhalaine property. Clupeiods were appeared as the most dominant group of fishes. The salinity showed sharp seasonal variation whereas pH exhibited consistent values in four sectors of Chilika lake and remained slightly alkaline through the study period.

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