Study of Pandemic 2009 Influenza A (H1N1) Virus by Cellular and Molecular Profiling in Uttarakhand population: Clinical influence and epidemiology | Abstract
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Study of Pandemic 2009 Influenza A (H1N1) Virus by Cellular and Molecular Profiling in Uttarakhand population: Clinical influence and epidemiology

Author(s): Narotam Sharma, Koshal Kumar, Vijay Kumar, Bhageshwari Mahato, Yogesh Kumar, Anamika Rana, Shitanshu Kaundal, Satish Chandra Nautiyal


Influenza is one of the most serious and dread full disease spread throughout the world and caused by the Influenza virus. Immunologic 4 types of influenza viruses are known i.e., Category A, B, C and D, mostly affect different types of cattle and cause illness in humans. Cellular and Molecular Profiling of Influenza virus was done from the patients suffer with Influenza like illness in different parts of Uttarakhand state. During this study, 97 samples were collected from the patients for an interval of 8 month (September, 2017 to April, 2018). Firstly, RNA was isolated from the collected sample and then extracted RNA was utilized further for Real Time PCR amplification of suspected cases of Influenza A and Influenza A H1N1. 143 bp region of the influenza virus A genome and 94 bp region of the influenza virus B genome, 80 bp region of influenza virus H1 (2009 H1N1 virus) genome were targeted during amplification. After molecular analysis out of 97 samples 20.61% sample were positive for Influenza A virus, 9.27 % samples was positive for Influenza A (H1N1) and 63.91% samples were found negative for the target used. In this study, we analyzed that the highly affected population was in the age group of 41-60 (42.85%) and lowest was in 0-20 age group i.e., 12.5%. From this study it has been also observed that female populations were more susceptible to influenza virus as compared to the male. Category A virus show higher consequence of symptoms as compared to the category B, C. Highest positive case was recorded in October and September month and lowest in winter months. The virus seems to have reached a peak in September/October and has been on the decline since then.

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