Study of effect of magnetized water on growth of wheat (Triticum vulgare linn.) | Abstract
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Study of effect of magnetized water on growth of wheat (Triticum vulgare linn.)

Author(s): Deepak Gupta, Vinit Vaidya*


Water is the most important element for all the metabolic activities of a plant body occupying major part of the weight in a living plant. All the plants contain water inside them in the form of a sap which is an electrical conductor. Plants need nutrient elements from the soil to function and photosynthesize properly. However, plants do not use the majority of nutrients that are in soil. With normal water, only a small amount of nutrient elements dissolve in the soil and are available to the plants. Deficit of these elements results in low productivity of the crop. The deficit of nutrients in the soil is the main reason for a decreased growth rate, quantity and quality of the crop. It has been recently studied that magnetized water has a positive effect on plants to enhance their growth and development to improve the crop in terms of quantity and quality. That is the reason why magnetized water should be used for irrigation. In the present studies, effect of magnetized water was tested on Wheat (Triticum vulgare Linn.) by exposing the plants to magnetized water for a period of 14 days. The differences between treated and untreated plants were estimated in terms of morphological changes such as shoot length and biochemical tests viz. estimation of chlorophyll, carbohydrates, proteins, nucleic acids such as DNA, RNA etc. by using spectrophotometric analysis. The results were analyzed to study the differences.

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