Statistical correlation between lipid profile parameter and thyroid profile parameter in type ii diabetes mellitus. | Abstract
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Statistical correlation between lipid profile parameter and thyroid profile parameter in type ii diabetes mellitus.

Author(s): Pawan Kumar Gupta


The study was conducted on known type II diabetes mellitus subjects having nearly equal sex ratio. Overnight fasting blood sample was collected in fluoride as well as in plain tube and estimated the lipid profile parameter and thyroid profile parameter by using BS-300 automated analyzer and Advia centura CB immunoassay system(By Bayer) for T3,T4 and TSH.Calibration and control was run before analyzing the sample and strictly followed manual instruction. The present study concluded that in type II diabetes mellitus Hyperlipedemia and hypothyroidism is observed.T3 has negative correlation with cholesterol, positive correlation with HDL cholesterol, no correlation with LDL cholesterol and triglyceride and decreasing trend with VLDL cholesterol.T4 has negative correlation with cholesterol and triglyceride, positive correlation with HDL cholesterol and no correlation with LDL cholesterol.TSH positive correlation with cholesterol ,negative correlation with triglyceride and no correlation with HDL and LDL cholesterol.

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