Sleep disorder in cardiac care units: a special look at noise and light effects | Abstract
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Sleep disorder in cardiac care units: a special look at noise and light effects

Author(s): Mohammad Ali Sheikhi, Ahmad Ebadi, Hossein Rahmani*


In intensive care units, many factors play a role in the occurrence of sleep disorder, with noise, light, treatment procedures, pain, and mental pressures being just a few of them. Patients with hard to treat diseases face similar factors and, contrary to patients in better conditions, experience disturbances that result from the intensity of their diseases. These disturbances are revealed by using vital signs machine, X-ray and phlebotomy equipment, and through treatment management. Most often, the effects of these factors on sleep can be reduced, and these factors can be largely eliminated, by taking simple steps. As far as we know, noises show their effects on sleep even under the best conditions. The importance of noise level in hospitals even surpasses that considered in recommendations and standards determined by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency regarding levels of noise in hospitals; and many studies have investigated the effects of steps taken to reduce noise.

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