Silver nanoparticles - synthesis, applications and toxic effects on humans: a review | Abstract
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Silver nanoparticles - synthesis, applications and toxic effects on humans: a review

Author(s): S.Janardana Reddy


The silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) have diverted the surveillance of the scientific communities and industrialists itself due to their wide range of applications in industry for the preparation of consumer products and highly accepted application in biomedical fields (especially their efficacy against microbes, anti-inflammatory effects, and wound healing ability). The development of nanotechnology in different industries, its modernity, and also the lack of information on its negative effects on human health and the environment originate from the novel mechanisms that are also related to nanotoxicology. Some researchers are intrinsically against using nanomaterials in human medicine and in the environment while others are in favor. The important point here is that because there are many nanomaterials with many different uses, it is difficult to test all of them and estimate their effects on human health. Therefore, some scientists believe that their side effects are acceptable. Nanotechnology has wide applications in many fields, especially in the biological sciences and medicine. Nanomaterials are applied as coating materials or in treatment and diagnosis.

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