Serum nitric oxide levels in subjects with high creatinine value in comparison of healthy control subjects | Abstract
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Serum nitric oxide levels in subjects with high creatinine value in comparison of healthy control subjects

Author(s): Ramesh Kumar, Ritika Jain


Creatinine is a chemical waste molecule that is generated from muscle metabolism and is produced from creatine. The kidneys maintain blood creatinine levels in normal range. Creatinine has been found to be a fairly reliable indicator of kidney function. Elevated creatinine level signifies impaired kidney function or kidney disease. Since nitric oxide (NO) is produced by three types of Nitric Oxide Synthases (NOSs), rapid changes in stable oxidized metabolites (nitrite and nitrate) in the tissues and blood should be represented by the amount of stable forms in the serum and may reflect changes in the body. The serum samples were collected from the individuals with high levels of creatinine and normal range. Nitrite was measured by a Griess reaction while nitrate was measured using the enzymatic one step assay with nitrate reductase. The total 36 samples (18 normal range (N) and 18 high creatinine values (H)) were evaluated for the NO levels. The age group varies from 6-74 and 20-80 for normal and high level of creatinine respectively. The levels of creatinine in the normal range and high values varies from 0.71-0.93 (mean=0.86+0.01) and 1.59-11.59 (mean=4.34+0.77), respectively. When the nitrite (15.19+1.73 μM versus 12.84+1.19 μM, P>0.05) and nitrate (24.94+2.60 μM versus 27.76+2.42 μM, P>0.05) levels were compared between these groups no significant differences were observed. Results of this study reveal that there is no correlation between nitric oxide production and the serum creatinine levels. However, those results are preliminary and have to be confirmed in sample of larger size.

image 10.21746/ijbio.2016.11.001

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