Seed storage protein of mung bean mutants | Abstract
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Seed storage protein of mung bean mutants

Author(s): Sanjay Auti*, Digamber Ahire


Mungbean is a popular legume in Asian countries. It contains 17-16% proteins and is considered to be a major source of protein. Globulins and albumins are the dominant storage proteins in legume seeds and account for 50-90% of seed proteins. In this studies seeds of the mungbean cultivar Vaibhav and Kopargaon-1 were irradiated with different doses of gamma radiations (30, 40 and 50 kR) and concentrations of EMS (0.01, 0.02, 0.03, and 0.04M) to induced mutations. Obtained induced mutants were analysed for its globulin and albumin content quantitatively by following Lowery’s method and qualitatively by following SDS- PAGE analysis. Obtained results shows that high yielding mutant contain globulin (16.1%) and albumin (13.7%) over to their control (12.7% and 10.2%) and other mutants. SDS-PAGE result revealed minor differences in the globulin and albumin profile among the mutants and control.

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