Seed germination studies on allelopathic effects of weeds on Vigna radiata l. | Abstract
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Seed germination studies on allelopathic effects of weeds on Vigna radiata l.

Author(s): Nitesh Joshi*, Neha Nangia, Ambika Joshi


Aqueous extracts of leaves of Hyptis sauveolens (L.), Ricinus communis (L.), Alternanthera sessilis (L.), Ipomoea carnea (Jacq), Malachra capitata (L.) and Cymbopogon citrutus (Stapf), were studied for their effects on seed germination of Vigna radiata L. Extracts of1%, 2%, 3% & 5% concentrations were prepared and Final germination percentage, weight of germinated seeds and their corresponding radicle and plumule length was recorded at the end of 7 days. Seedling vigour index was calculated (SVI) using the formula percent germination× by average radicle length. An control was maintained by watering the seeds with water. Statistical analysis was done to compare the mean values using T Test. There was an significant reduction in all the parameters at high concentrations of the weed extracts in all the plant species under the study. The tolerance level of allelopathy activities of various weed extracts in terms of seed vigor index represented as Cymbopogon strictus > Ipomoea carnea> Hyptis saveolens >Malachra capitata> Ricinus communis> Alternenthera sessilis.

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