Seed germination in Prunus cerasoides D. Don influenced by natural seed desiccation and varying temperature in Central Himalayan region of Uttarakhand, India. | Abstract
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Seed germination in Prunus cerasoides D. Don influenced by natural seed desiccation and varying temperature in Central Himalayan region of Uttarakhand, India.

Author(s): Bhawna Tewari*, Ashish Tewari


Prunus cerasoides D. Don the Himalayan wild cherry is one lesser known multipurpose tree species of Himalaya. The tree prefers to grow on sloping grounds between the altitudes of 1200-2400 m, on all types of soils and rocks. The tree is used as a medicinal plant in Himalayan region. The fruit is edible and the pulp is used to make a cherry brandy. The species has poor germination and seedling establishment in natural habitat. The over exploitation of seeds of the species coupled with relatively hard seed coat has adversely affects the germination of seeds in their natural habitat. The information about the seed maturity and technique of germination enhancement is scanty. The present study was conducted to assess the exact maturity time and optimum temperature for enhancement of germination in seed of P. cerasoides. The fruit/seeds were collected from six sites covering the altitudinal range of 1350 – 1810 m during the period (2003-2004). The colour change of fruit from dark green to red was a useful indicator of seed maturity. Maximum germination coincided with 50.24 ± 0.19 % fruit and 30.11 ± 0.57 % seed moisture content. Negative correlation existed between germination and seed moisture content (r = 0.294; P< 0.01). Significantly higher germination occurred when seeds were placed above the paper at 25º C.

image 10.21746/ijbio.2016.05.007

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