Seasonal variation of soil chemistry in Deulijhor hot spring, Odisha, India. | Abstract
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Seasonal variation of soil chemistry in Deulijhor hot spring, Odisha, India.

Author(s): P. K. Sahu, R. P. Panda*, A. K. Patra


he edaphic factor plays an important role to determine the nature and character of life in an environment. Soil system is a complex and dynamic since from its formation. In an environmental condition, the soil profile changes from time to time with interaction of its abiotic and biotic factors. In a climate condition, soil plays a vital role for formation of organic nutrients from its inorganic constituents. Soil act as a substratum for operating bio-geo chemical cycle. Highest C/N ratio during summer and lowest C/N ratio in rainy season. The pH determines nature of soil. It depends upon parent natural, weathering of rocks also influences and transfer its materials due to continuous influx and out flux from different sources. Hydrosere succession level aquatic flora and fauna primarily forms humus soil that is suitable for life in a climax community.

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