Seasonal climate change of water quality indices and impact on feeding habits and bioindices of Cirrhinus mrigala | Abstract
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Seasonal climate change of water quality indices and impact on feeding habits and bioindices of Cirrhinus mrigala

Author(s): Sunil Chandra Pradhan*, Ajaya Kumar Patra


The biology of an economically important Indian major carp Cirrhinus mrigala was investigated seasonally for two calendar year. This study is aimed at assessing the bio indices in relation to changes in the water indices. Pond water temperature (20. 5-30. 50°C), pH (6. 8-7. 8), total alkalinity (111. 3-148. 7mgl1), dissolved oxygen (5. 8-7. 6mgl-1), total soluble salt (175. 4-268. 2mgl-1), ammonical nitrogen (0. 11-0. 18 mgl-1) and total hardness (119. 6-145. 5 mgl-1) have been studied during study period (2011-2013). On the basis of qualitative and quantitative analysis of gut content, the Preponderance Index showed Bacillariophyceae (29. 66 per cent) and detritus (19. 5 per cent) forms the most preferred food. The highest Gonad somatic index (GnSI) values (female: 12. 60% and male: 0. 39%) were observed in the rain which was the breeding period of the fishes. The hepatosomatic index (HSI) was more in post spawning season (winter: 1. 27per cent). Negative correlation was observed between condition factor and gnsi (r=-0. 314**), gsi and gnsi (r=-0. 552**), hsi and gnsi (r=-0. 543**). These parameters have been found very useful to evaluate the wellbeing of fish populations, their biology for scientific management of fisheries and stock assessment.

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