Salinity tolerance in some mangrove species from Pitchavaram (Tamil Nadu) | Abstract
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Salinity tolerance in some mangrove species from Pitchavaram (Tamil Nadu)

Author(s): Avicennia marina; Ceriops tagal; Growth; Ions; Rhizophora mucronata; Water Relations


Growth, ionic and water relations of three mangrove species viz. Avicennia marina, Ceriops tagal and Rhizophora mucronata were studied in different seawater concentrations (0, 25, 50, 75 and 100%). All mangrove species showed optimal growth at 50% seawater. Relatively more biomass was accumulated by R. mucronata while C. tagal had the tallest individuals. Tissue water potential became more negative with the increase in salinity and stomatal conductance was decreased in all plants. Higher stomatal conductance was noted in R. mucronata, followed by A. marina and C. tagal. Sodium and Chloride ions increased with the increase in salinity and this accumulation was much higher in A. marina.

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