Saffron extract�¢����s protective effects against arsenic induce excitotoxicity and learning disabilities in male wistar rats | Abstract
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Saffron extract�¢����s protective effects against arsenic induce excitotoxicity and learning disabilities in male wistar rats

Author(s): Gundlapally Sreenu, Rajkiran Reddy Banala, Karnati Pratap Reddy*


The present study reports the protective efficiency of saffron extract against arsenic induced learning impairments and excitotoxicity. The efficacy of saffron was studied using open field, maze learning and estimating the levels of glutamate and aspartate. The experimental rats received 100 mg/kg bw arsenic through drinking water and the protectant saffron extract at dosage 100 mg/kg bw was given through gavage needle. The group receiving arsenic showed severe weight loss, learning dysfunction and increased levels of glutamate and aspartate in hippocampus and cerebral cortex. Whereas the saffron receiving rats have shown reduced toxic effects of arsenic, which was observed as reversal of the learning ability, levels of glutamate and aspartate in both hippocampus and cortex region of brain as an indication of recovery. Therefore it is evident that saffron improvises the behavioural impairment, glutamate and aspartate profile indicating its potential to be a good protective agent against arsenic induced excitotoxicity in rats.

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