Reducing sugar content in Eleusine coracana gaertn under stressed conditions | Abstract
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Reducing sugar content in Eleusine coracana gaertn under stressed conditions

Author(s): Kadam Sonali Santosh


Reducing sugars are sugars with potentially free aldehyde or ketone groups, able to reduce metal ions under alkaline conditions. At high salt concentration of 150mM pretreated plants, the reducing sugars decreased in both the cultivars but the decrease in HR 374 cultivar was by74 %. Dapoli-3 variety showed the increased amount of reducing sugars at 2 days water stress which was almost three folds more while in HR-374 it was nearly one and a half folds compare to control. Reducing sugar content in Dapoli-3 variety, under salt stress and drought conditions, increased while in HR- 374 the content decreased. Present study deals with reducing sugar content in Eleusine coracana showing its salt and drought tolerant ability.

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