Red palm oil - health benefits and their molecular executors. | Abstract
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Red palm oil - health benefits and their molecular executors.

Author(s): Sonam Chawla, Shweta Saxena*


Red palm oil (RPO) has been a nutritional vantage amidst mankind since ancient times, but the dietary and healing benefits are now being rediscovered in various aspects of human health. Owing to its compositional richness, RPO is even being recommended as vitamin supplement besides being used as healthy cooking oil loaded with micronutrients and antioxidants. Recent research studies have dissected the molecular mechanisms underlying biological actions of RPO as well as its tocotrienols rich fraction (TRF) in cardiovascular health, vitamin deficiency, reproductive health and cerebral health. The present review elaborates on nutritional composition and health benefits of RPO, with a focus on the molecular executors of these actions. We include the documented as well as potential usages, of RPO for human wellbeing. This shall invoke the researchers working in the area of human nutrition to take up research programs for exploring the benefits of RPO in newer and unexplored pathological indications.

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