Quality Improvement of the DNA extracted by boiling method in Gram negative bacteria | Abstract
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Quality Improvement of the DNA extracted by boiling method in Gram negative bacteria

Author(s): Omar B. Ahmed*, Anas S. Dablool


Several methods of Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) extraction have been applied to extract bacterial DNA. The amount and the quality of the DNA obtained for each one of those methods are variable. The study aimed to evaluate bacterial DNA extraction using conventional boiling method followed by alcohol precipitation. DNA extraction from Gram negative bacilli was extracted and precipitated using boiling method with further precipitation by ethanol. The extraction procedure performed using the boiling method resulted in high DNA yields for both E. coli and K. pneumoniae bacteria in (199.7 and 285.7μg/ml, respectively) which was close to control method (229.3 and 440.3μg/ml). It was concluded that after alcohol precipitation boiling procedure was easy, cost-effective, and applicable for high-yield quality of DNA in Gram-negative bacteria.

image 10.21746/ijbio.2017.04.004

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