Prospective analysis of postoperative outcomes Ã?¢Ã?â?¬Ã?â?? immediate / delayed in patients undergoing LichtensteinÃ?¢Ã?â?¬Ã?â?¢s open inguinal hernioplasty using VyproÃ?â??Ã?® vs ProleneÃ?â??Ã?® mesh | Abstract
international journal of bioassays.
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Prospective analysis of postoperative outcomes Ã?¢Ã?â?¬Ã?â?? immediate / delayed in patients undergoing LichtensteinÃ?¢Ã?â?¬Ã?â?¢s open inguinal hernioplasty using VyproÃ?â??Ã?® vs ProleneÃ?â??Ã?® mesh

Author(s): Kaundinya Kiran Bharatam


As we advance towards improving inguinal hernia repair our goals remain to decrease the immediate post-operative complications like pain and seroma formation; and at the same time preventing long term complications like chronic groin pain and hernia recurrence. We present in our study comparision of outcomes in the immediate and late post-operative phase of 50 patients [25 - prolene® and 25 - vypro®] who underwent lichtenstein’s inguinal hernia. Our results did encourage the lightweight mesh like vypro® in the immediate post-operative phase but did not give any major difference between the meshes in the long term complications or outcomes of hernia repair. Our observations were similar to other studies done comparing the various mesh used for hernia repair.

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