Productivity and level of weed infestation of legume meadow grasses depending on grass species and fertilization | Abstract
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Productivity and level of weed infestation of legume meadow grasses depending on grass species and fertilization

Author(s): Boryana Churkova, Tatyana Bozhanska


The experiment was conducted in the period of 2013-2015 in the experimental field of RIMSA-Troyan. The influence of bio-fertilizers, such as boron humate and molybdenum humate at doses of 1600 ml/ha, was studied. They were applied in the beginning of bud-formation period on legumes, such as bird's-foot-trefoil, sainfoin, and red clover. The highest positive effect of studied bio-fertilizers over productivity was found in the treatment of grassland of sainfoin. Its yield increased, after the application of boron humate, in comparison with the control by 8.3%, and molybdenum humate increased the productivity of red clover by 4.0%. Both bio-fertilizers showed a negative effect in relation to dry matter yield of bird's-foot trefoil. Foliar treatment with boron and molybdenum humate of bird's-foot-trefoil, red clover and sainfoin decreased the level of weed infestation of crops and had an influence over the biological characteristics of grass species and meteorological conditions. As a result of the influence of bio-fertilizers, the stem height of sainfoin and red clover increased, which had a favorable influence over productivity of their grasslands.

image 10.21746/ijbio.2016.08.003

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