Prevalence of depression in breast cancer patients and its association with coping skills at Shefa hospital, Ahvaz. | Abstract
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Prevalence of depression in breast cancer patients and its association with coping skills at Shefa hospital, Ahvaz.

Author(s): Forouzan Behrouzian, Masoumeh Nazarinasab, Shima Mousavi


This study was conducted to evaluate depression in patients with breast cancer and its relationship with coping skills. This study was a descriptive epidemiological study in which 178 women with breast cancer that referred to Shafa hospital in Ahvaz were studied. Beck depression inventory was used to measure depression of the group under study Boyer coping skills inventory was used to measure the coping skills. After collecting data, they were analyzed in SPSS software program and the results were obtained. The results showed that the use of maladaptive style in the participants was statistically significant in the study and there was a positive and significant correlation between maladaptive style and depression score and the maladaptive style predicted 58% of the variance in the depression scores. Also, the relationship between the demographic, treatment duration, marital status, education and number of children and depression scores was statistically significant but there was no significant relationship between depression and income, type of treatment, employment status and age. Finally, it was concluded from the current study that patients with breast cancer who were tested in the study use the maladaptive and destructive style to deal with everyday problems and this is also associated with their depression; meanwhile factors such as marital status, number of children and education played a positive and significant role in reducing and controlling their depression.

image 10.21746/ijbio.2016.11.0014

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