Prevalence of color vision deficiency (CVD) and ABO blood groups in Kannur district of Kerala, India. | Abstract
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Prevalence of color vision deficiency (CVD) and ABO blood groups in Kannur district of Kerala, India.

Author(s): Ebrahim N. K.C.*, Ivvala Anand Shaker, Abdul Kadhir


Colour’s have profound influence in life. Colour vision deficiency (C. V. D), A. B. O & Rh blood groups are inherited entities with different geographical regions, and from race to race it varies. As the C. V. D once occurred cannot be changed in life time.750 cases of Colour Vision Deficiency individuals were examined and were identified and confirmed by testing colour vision of the person by Ishihara's Chart test for both eyes. Those found to be suffering from congenital colour blindness were then subjected to A, B, O & Rh grouping by slide method. Our results showed statistical significant positive relationship between congenital C. V. D individuals and their A, B, O, R, H blood groups. Our aim was to study relationship between A, B, O blood group, Rh factor, G-6PD and to know if any Colour Vision Deficiency (C. V. D) present in this population.

image 10.21746/ijbio.2016.01.0011

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