Pregnancy outcome in women of advanced maternal age. | Abstract
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Pregnancy outcome in women of advanced maternal age.

Author(s): Rajmohan Laxmy*, Vinayachandran S., Guhan Beena, Sumangala Devi D


To study the incidence and general outcome of pregnancy in advanced maternal age attending IMCH for delivery from July 1st 2008 to June 30th 2009. To compare the pregnancy outcome of gravitas of AMA and the younger counter parts with special reference to incidence of pregnancy morbidities like GDM, hypertension, abnormal placentation, incidence of LSCS and other instrumental delivers, preterm deliveries and neonatal outcome and maternal mortality. A prospective study of all women of advanced maternal age (>35 yrs) admitted for delivery in Institute of Maternal and Child Health (IMCH) during a period of one year. The study design is Prospective cohort study and it was conducted in Institute of Maternal and Child Health, Calicut, a Tertiary referral center catering to around 16000-18000 deliveries per year, with 508 beds. The duration of study period is one year, July 1st 2008 to June 30th 2009. Data was collected by interviewing subjects, their relatives, attending doctors and reviewing their records. The sample size is 286 women admitted to IMCH labour room above 35 years of age and 300 controls belonging to 20-25 years age group admitted to labour room for delivery. From the study results our conclusions are Incidence of Pregnancy in advanced maternal age is 1.78% in 2009. Treatment for infertility, Bad obstetric history, Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, Gestational diabetes, Preterm delivery, Intrauterine growth restriction, Foetal distress, Still births, Cesarian section rate, and Co morbidities like leiomyomas and maternal mortality rates were more and statistically significant in Advanced maternal age compared to the younger counter parts.

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