Pre-analytical errors in the clinical laboratory and how to minimize them | Abstract
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Pre-analytical errors in the clinical laboratory and how to minimize them

Author(s): Saurav Patra M. D., Brijesh Mukherjee*, Ashok Kumar Das


Since evidence based medicine (EBM) is now become the main principle guiding clinical practice and is being followed universally the role of laboratory medicine in EBM needs not to be over-emphasized. So it is the need of the hour to ensure that the best evidence on testing is made available through the help of the laboratory to the clinician. This would result in making the best decision based on test results which would lead to increased probability of improved health outcomes. So it is necessary for the laboratory to maintain the strictest quality possible. Here we would see the steps of pre-analytical phase and the various points at which error can arise and how to mitigate them. The present study was carried out in our hospital central laboratory and data were collected and analyzed. Pre-analytical phase is most important in testing process and involves variables that are not under the control of the laboratory. So much care needs to be taken to deeply scrutinize this step of analysis and keep a tab on errors arising in it.

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