Polyamines in relation to metal concentration, distribution, relative water content and abscisic acid in wheat plants irrigated with waste water heavily polluted with heavy metals | Abstract
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Polyamines in relation to metal concentration, distribution, relative water content and abscisic acid in wheat plants irrigated with waste water heavily polluted with heavy metals

Author(s): Heshmat Soliman Aldesuquy


Present study was carried out in order to investigate the effect of grain presoaking in spermine (0.15 mM), spermidine (0.3 mM) and their interaction on growth vigor, metal distribution as well as leaf turgidity and abscisic acid in wheat plants. Waste water at concentrations 25%, 50% and 100% caused noticeable decreases in growth vigor of root and shoot, leaf area, relative water content and water use efficiency. On the other hand, waste water stress caused remarkable increases in heavy metals and saturation water deficit as well as abscisic acid content of flag leaf. Exogenous application of Spm, Spd or their interaction could counteract the adverse effects of heavy metals in waste water by improving growth vigor of root and shoot, water use efficiency, retention of leaf turgidity and decreasing abscisic acid in leaves and grains. Furthermore, these polyamines reduced heavy metals translocation from root to leaves till reach to grains

image 10.21746/ijbio.2016.05.002

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