Plants used as traditional medicine by the Nicobari tribes of Andaman and Nicobar Islands | Abstract
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Plants used as traditional medicine by the Nicobari tribes of Andaman & Nicobar Islands

Author(s): P. L. Bharati*, Om Prakash, A. D. Jadhav


Nicobari Tribals are using a term “Kach roy chon” for local Folk Healers who is certified by the father of Church to give Ethno medicines. Ethno botanical study on folk medicinal plants was conducted at Tamaloo, Perk (Car-Nicobar), and Harmander Bay (Little Andaman) on 2007-08. The study was focused on identifying plants and their uses, part of the plants used as medicine, method, dose, duration, route of administration etc. Total 22 medicinal plants species were collected and identified through the folk healers for treating various human ailments like Fever (Jwar, Nicobari Term-Vui), Cough (Kas, N. -Ehh), Asthma (Swas, N.Huha noma), Abdominal pain (Udershul, N.Chak allon), skin diseases (Twak rog, N.Keetuej), Joint pain (Sandhishul, N.Chaktaare), Fracture (Asthibhagna N. Oh kaalran), Hypertension (Uchcha Raktachap. N. Puchen maahaam) Burning micturition (Mutrajalan, N. Chak haakan) etc. The most dominant part of the plant was leaf as medicine, route of administration was oral and method of preparation was grinding.

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