Placenta percreta with the invasion of the bladder wall | Abstract
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Placenta percreta with the invasion of the bladder wall

Author(s): Fereshteh Alboebadi*, Poran dokhte Afshari, Razye Mohammad Jafari, Khadijah Mahmoudi


Abstract Background: Placent a previa (pp) is known as one of the common causes of bleeding in the third trimester of pregnancy and during labor leading to a high mortality and morbidity rate in both mothers and neonates. Objective: The aim of this case report is to carefully present a case of placenta percreta with bladder involvement. Case presentation: The patient was a 32-year old woman who was in her 20th week of gestation complaining of decreased fetal movement. Her sonographic diagnosis was placenta percreta. Due to spotting at 36th week of gestation, the patient successfully underwent cesarean section, hysterectomy and partial bladder resection. Conclusion: Nowadays, due to the unprecedented increase in the popularity of cesarean deliveries, abnormal placental adhesion has enhanced. The most important measures to prevent this serious complication include, reduction of the cesarean delivery without indication and accurate assessment of previous cesarean.

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