Phyto-pharmacological study of Salvadora oleoides - a review | Abstract
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Phyto-pharmacological study of Salvadora oleoides - a review

Author(s): Akash Garg*, Sanjeev K. Mittal, Manish Kumar, Vikas Gupta, Manjeet Singh


Salvadora oleoides Decne. is an oil-yielding medicinal and multipurpose tree, belongs to the family Salvadoraceae. It is commonly known in India as meetha jal. This article discusses about the medicinal values of Salvadora oleoides. In this communication, we reviewed the pharmacological action and Phytochemistry and its application in the treatment of various ailments like piles, tumors, bronchitis, cough rheumatism, fever, conjunctivitis, carminative and alexipharmic etc. The plant is reported to possess anti hypoglycemic, hypolipidemic, analgesic, and antimicrobial activity. The major constituents of the plant are sterols like beta-sitosterol and their glucosides, flavonoids, dihydroisocoumarin, terpenoids like-methoxy-4-vinylphenol and cis-3-hexenyl benzoate etc.

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