Phytochemical evaluation of leaf extracts of Naringi crenulata (roxb.) Nicolson | Abstract
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Phytochemical evaluation of leaf extracts of Naringi crenulata (roxb.) Nicolson

Author(s): Sartaj Ahmad Allayie, Mushtaq Ahmed Parray, Bilal Ahmad Bhat, S. Hemalatha


The use of traditional medicines holds a great promise as an easily available source as effective medicinal agents to cure a wide range of ailments among the people particularly in tropical developing countries like India. The present study investigates the qualitative and quantitative analysis of the major bioactive constituents of N. crenulata leaf extracts. The extractive values of aqueous, acetone and chloroform extracts were found to be 11.34, 4.24 and 6.06 respectively. Qualitative phytochemical analysis of these three solvent extracts confirm the presence of Alkaloids, Saponins, Flavonoids and Phenolic compounds in all the three extracts; however, these phytochemicals were more significant in aqueous extract. Quantitative analysis was carried out using TLC method by different solvent system. Amongst various solvent systems, Butanol: acetic acid: water (9: 0.9: 0.1 v/v/v) shows maximum resolution and number of spots produced at long UV (365 nm) and under iodine vapours. The TLC chromatograms constituted different coloured phytochemical compounds with different Rf values. It can be conveniently used to evaluate the quality of different area samples. This indicates that the leaves can be useful for treating different diseases because the therapeutic activity of a plant is due to the presence of particular class of compounds and thus can serve as potential sources of useful drugs in future.

image 10.21746/ijbio.2016.11.0020

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