Pharmaceutical Marketing and Industry - An ethical evaluation - Ines Abdyli - Inmunotek | Abstract
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Pharmaceutical Marketing and Industry - An ethical evaluation - Ines Abdyli - Inmunotek

Author(s): Ines Abdyli


Marketing is important because it serves to turn us into rational buyers, namely, simply not immediate buyers, not buyers at the first opportunity we will find but ... we will need time to study the market, b) to find “model “and” color “(of the necessary pharmaceutical product) that we like and what is most important to find the lowest price. The  pharmaceutical companies spend on two important directions, on the one hand at the time needed to carefully study the demand. The expense of this time provides more complete and accurate information on how to make decisions, how much they will produce and at what price they will sell. Secondly, pharmaceutical companies also spend time on spending money. If spending time is needed because it facilitates the sale and purchase of pharmaceutical product through complete and accurate information, even the expense of the money facilitates the exchange costs of products. The pharmaceutical marketing is a widespread issue at the pharmaceutical industry and it is becoming an important key chain of the everyday doctor’s work. In virtual the advertising of the pharmaceutical products is included in every magazine and journal. The pharmaceutical companies provide to the doctors an accurate information regarding the new pharmaceutical products and due to this, the brand names of the pharmaceutical products will be sold directly to the consumers. However, more strategies of the pharmaceutical companies are mostly with personal benefits. These strategies includes the gifts for the doctors, sponsorships of the social and educational activities and due to this an increasing connection and cooperation between the pharmaceutical companies and the doctors. Many of the authors have concluded that the pharmaceutical marketing creates a serious problem and the medicinal professional organisations have prepared a guideline to create the appropriate relationship between the pharmaceutical companies and the doctors. Nevertheless, the health professionals have received these gifts and have participated at the marketing activities organised from the pharmaceutical companies. This gap between the attitude of the doctors and the medicinal literature that critizes this attitude of them creates a lot of confusion related with the future perspective of doctors.

For this reason, there are very important issues to discuss regarding the following questions: 1. Do the doctors consider ethic the promotional pharmaceutical activities despite the critical medicinal literature 2. Do the doctors make differences between the acceptance of this different promotional pharmaceutical activities Taking in consideration the side effects of the pharmaceutical marketing activities on the health of the consumers, it is important to make a reflection on this issue because it is beneficial not only for the public and the researchers but also for the government to be more strict with rules and laws in the pharmaceutical industry.

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