Persistent patent foramen ovale in adult male | Abstract
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Persistent patent foramen ovale in adult male

Author(s): Santoshkumar N., Kunjumon P. C., Anju Balaji More*


In this case report, we want to present a persistent foramen ovale with length of 1.4 cm in an adult male cadaver approximately 60 years of age. The person had a heavy built up and appeared well nourished. The foramen ovale is a normal interatrial communication during fetal life. The persistence of this opening in the later life may go unnoticed if asymptomatic. But symptoms can begin in adult life due to pulmonary hypertension. It will become an added complication to any cardio-vascular disorder developing in later life. With no other anomalous findings in the heart, it appears that the foramen ovale was probe patent. There are five types of foramen ovale according to its location. The present finding belongs to type I that is patent foramen ovale of ostium secundum type. Echocardiogram, Electrocardiogram, Doppler image, Cardiac catheterization, Chest x-ray and MRI of the heart are the various imaging techniques which can detect this variance.

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