Optimization of laccase production from potential laccase producer isolated from mixed microbial culture of dyeing and textiles effluent | Abstract
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Optimization of laccase production from potential laccase producer isolated from mixed microbial culture of dyeing and textiles effluent

Author(s): Siddiqui R. A*, Phatake Y. B., Dr. Dharmadhi


The laccase enzyme produced by Microorganism was found to be very useful in degradation of synthetic dyes that are commonly found in textile waste, dye industries and lignocelluloseic wastes when used freely or in immobilized form. In the present study for isolation of laccase producing microorganisms sample collected from different forest regions, soil samples near from textile and dye industries and textile waste were used. Out of different bacterial, fungal and actinomycets isolate, one potent Laccase producing fungus namely RS 3 were selected for further study depending upon its high productivity. Using the gene specific sequencing primers, the purified PCR amplicons was sequenced. The sequences were analyzed using Sequencing Analysis 5.2 software. Blast result and phylogenetic tree analysis clearly indicate that fungal strain RS3 is A. nidulans. For the Laccase assay substrate ABTS has been used. The intense brown color development due to oxidation of guaiacol by laccase can be correlated to its activity often read at 420 nm. The process parameters for enzyme production were optimized viz. Carbon source, Nitrogen source, pH and Time of incubation, it was found that Enzyme activity was maximum in basal medium containing starch (Carbon source), Peptone (Nitrogen source) and at pH 5.5 when incubated for 12h (Time of incubation).

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