Nutritional composition of two edible aroids | Abstract
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Nutritional composition of two edible aroids

Author(s): Peetabas N., Panda R. P.*, Padhy N., Pal G.


Two edible tuber plants were selected and chemical composition of their corms and cormels was estimated a field experiment was carried out of two varieties of tube crops. Viz. taro and elephant foot yam were subjected to study the nutritional value of colocasia esculenta CV muktakeshi and Amorphophallus paeoxii folius CV Gajendra. These aroids were grown in two different agro-climatic conditions, i.e. G.Udayagiri, Khajuripada block of Kandhamal district and Soroda and Bhanjanagar block of Ganjam district. These two tubers crops were analysed for dry matter, starch, sugar, crude protein, carbohydrate, cholesterol, sodium, potassium calcium and magnesium content. The analytical study revealed that nutrient context were found more in tubers of Kandhamal and Ganjam District. This worth has a great potential. Presenting the food potential as well as medicinal value of Odisha and other region where as it’s productivity supported climatic condition.

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