Nutritional analysis of nuts extract of Juglans regia | Abstract
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Nutritional analysis of nuts extract of Juglans regia

Author(s): Raja G.*, Ivvala Anand Shaker, Inampudi Sailaja, Swaminathan R., Kondaveeti Suresh Babu and S.Saleem Basha


Juglans regia L. (Walnut) is the most widespread tree nut in the world. Nuts are used by mankind for food, edible oils, spices, condiments or beverages. They have been an important food source from prehistoric times and are among the most nutritionally concentrated of human foods, high in protein, oil, energy, minerals and vitamins. Nuts that are only rarely used as famine food have been excluded from this present study partly because of the paucity information available but mainly because they are not normally considered edible. Nuts used solely for spices or condiments have also been largely excluded since they are used sparingly, to flavor food and not as a food; traditionally they are considered separately from edible nuts. Nuts that are largely used as commercial sources of edible oil are not discussed in any great detail since they are already adequately dealt with in the literature. Present study is an attempt to determine the amount of biomolecules, mineral and vitamins present in nuts extract of Juglans regia L. The study was set up to determine the quantity of biomolecules, mineral and vitamins present in nuts extract of Juglans regia L. using various analytical models. Total carbohydrates, total protein, alkaloids, phosphorus, Iron, vitamin C, E and catalase activity of nuts extract of Juglans regia L. were determined using various biochemical experimental models. The nutritional analyses of nuts extract of Juglans regia L. were determined in different experimental models and it was observed that presence of the test compounds in all the models.

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