Nutraceutical analysis of amaranth oil, avocado oil, cumin oil, linseed oil and neem oil | Abstract
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Nutraceutical analysis of amaranth oil, avocado oil, cumin oil, linseed oil and neem oil

Author(s): Ripal Khamar*, Y. T. Jasrai


Amaranth oil, Avocado oil, Cumin oil, Linseed oil and Neem oil are medicinal herbal oil which is natural source of fatty acids, nutraceuticals and mainly Tocopherol – Vitamin ‘E’. They play important role with various medicinal properties like Anti-oxidant, Cholesterol reducing agent etc. Results suggested that Amaranth oil is reddish brown coloured and have 0.5-2 Acid value, 100-115 Iodine value and 182-190 saponification value as Biochemical parameters; 20-27 % Saturated Fatty acid, 18-25 % Monounsaturated fatty acid, 45-55 % Polyunsaturated fatty acid and 0 % others as Fatty acids profile and 0.3-0.4 % Mixed Tocopherols, 0.3-0.4 % Phytosterols, 4-6 % Squalene, 0 % others as Nutraceuticals profile. Avocado oil is greenish brown coloured and its results showed 0.5-2 Acid value, 75-90 Iodine value and 185-190 Saponification value as Biochemical parameters; 12-20 % Saturated Fatty acid, 65-70 % Monounsaturated fatty acid, 8-12 % Polyunsaturated fatty acid and 0 % others as Fatty acids profile and 0.5-1.5 % Mixed Tocopherols, 0.2-0.5 % Phytosterols, 0.5-1.5% Squalene, 0.2-0.5 % others as Nutraceuticals profile. Cumin oil is brown coloured and its results showed 1-4 Acid value, 110-120 Iodine value and 190-192 Saponification value as Biochemical parameters; 4-7 % Saturated Fatty acid, 64-68 % Monounsaturated fatty acid, 28-30 % Polyunsaturated fatty acid and 0 % others as Fatty acids profile and 0.1-0.2 % Mixed Tocopherols, 0 % Phytosterols, 0 % Squalene, 0 % others as Nutraceuticals profile. Flaxseed oil is light yellow coloured and its results showed 1-3 Acid value, 180-182 Iodine value and 198-202 Saponification value as Biochemical parameters; 10-12 % Saturated Fatty acid, 18-25 % Monounsaturated fatty acid, 65-72 % Polyunsaturated fatty acid and 0 % others as Fatty acids profile and 0.1-0.2 % Mixed Tocopherols, 0.3-0.6 % Phytosterols, 0.5-0.7 % Squalene, ALA>50 % others as Nutraceuticals profile. Neem oil is yellowish brown coloured and its results showed 1-3 Acid value, 70-75 Iodine value and 199-202 Saponification value as Biochemical parameters; 18-25 % Saturated Fatty acid, 45-60 % Monounsaturated fatty acid, 15-20 % Polyunsaturated fatty acid and 0 % others as Fatty acids profile and 0.1-0.2 % Mixed Tocopherols, 0.2-0.3 % Phytosterols, 0 % Squalene, 0 % others as Nutraceuticals profile. Quantity of mixed tocopherols was high in few refined / non refined herbal medicinal oils so, it can become a commercial source of natural vitamin ‘E’.

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