Nitrogen losses due to nitrification: plant based remedial prospects. | Abstract
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Nitrogen losses due to nitrification: plant based remedial prospects.

Author(s): Kavita Arora, Alka Srivastava*


Nitrification of nitrogen fertilizers results into loss of nitrogen nutrient from soil along with environmental hazards, like, global warming, contamination of ground water and so on. To tackle the problem, many synthetic inhibitors of nitrification have been formulated but till now none of them has proved to be attractive option due to their cost and non-ecofriendly nature. A shift towards natural nitrification inhibitors would be beneficial, economically viable and environmentally safer option. Also, it is a matter of exhaustive research and appropriate testing before one can come out with infallible system with holistic integrated approach. To increase the potential of natural nitrification inhibitors, some neglected aspects, like, effect of genotypic variations, broader plant exploration for nitrification inhibition capacity, identification and isolation of secondary metabolites which are responsible for nitrification inhibition activity, manipulation of germplasm for superior nitrification inhibition performance require incessant persistent scientific input for transfer of information to the farmers.

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