Neutrophil Gelatinase-Associated Lipocaline (NGAL) an early predictive biomarker than Urea in contrast induced Nephropathy | Abstract
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Neutrophil Gelatinase-Associated Lipocaline (NGAL) an early predictive biomarker than Urea in contrast induced Nephropathy

Author(s): Shobha M.*, Shanthi Naidu, Vijayaraghavan R., Mujahid M., Senthil Kumar S.


Coronary angiography and percutaneous coronary interventions depend on iodinated and non- iodinated contrast media and consequently pose the risk of contrast induced acute kidney injury (AKI). This is an important complication that accounts for significant number of cases of hospital acquired renal failure, with adverse effects on prognosis and health care. Aim of this study is to evaluate Neutrophil Gelatinase- Associated Lipocalin (NGAL) as an early biomarker in AKI than that of urea. 30 animals were randomly divided into 10 different cages having 3 animals in each cage. Further cages were randomly divided into 5 groups (6 animals in a group). Dose of 0.5ml of iohexol was intraperitonealy injected into animals. Blood samples were collected by bleeding retroorbital plexus before and after inducing contrast and centrifuged serum was stored at -200c for further analysis. Increased levels of NGAL was indicated in group 2 (6 hours) and remained elevated in group 3 (12 hours) when compared to that of baseline levels before contrast. The levels of urea were increased in group 1 (3 hours) and group 3 (12 hours) after contrast when compared to level of baseline before contrast. Elevated levels of NGAL among the groups was statistically significant p<0.05. The increased level of urea at the end of 3 hours is probably due to dehydration after contrast induction. Estimation of serum NGAL after contrast induced radiological procedures especially after coronary angiogram may help to detect early kidney injury, so that preventive measures can be adopted to decrease the damage caused by the contrast induction.

image 10.21746/ijbio.2016.03.001

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