Nanobiotics: Challenging the anti-microbial perspective - The game changer? | Abstract
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Nanobiotics: Challenging the anti-microbial perspective - The game changer?

Author(s): Deepak Narang, Jeevan Singh Tityal, Amit Jain, Reena Kulshreshtra, Fatima Khan


Antibiotics are the most important medical inventions in human history and are the invaluable weapons to fight against various infectious diseases. Multi drug resistant microorganisms are becoming a serious issue and increasingly public health problem in present day scenario. Antibiotics are becoming less useful due to increasing bacterial resistance. Development of new and more powerful antibiotics leading to drastic pathogens response by developing resistance to the point where the most powerful drugs in our arsenal are no longer effective against them. New strategies for the management of bacterial diseases are urgently needed and nanomaterials can be a very promising approach. Nanobiotics uses nano-sized tools for the successful management bacterial diseases and to gain increased understanding of the complex underlying patho-physiology of disease. (European Science Foundation. Forward Look Nanomedicine: An EMRC Consensus Opinion 2005. Available online: (accessed on 15 July 2017). The application of nanotechnologies to medicine, or nanomedicine, which has already demonstrated its tremendous impact on the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries, is rapidly becoming a major driving force behind ongoing changes in the antimicrobial field. Present review providing important insights on nanobiotics, and their preparation, mechanism of action, as well as perspectives on the opportunities and challenges in nanobiotics.

image 10.21746/ijbio.2017.6.10.2

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